Construction of the floor immediately after the foundation is ready
Do-it-yourself floors on strips and stilts for a frame house. Pros and cons of wooden floors on joists
A frame house is built very quickly. This is a simple and reliable technology, which is why it is very popular
How to pour a slab onto a strip foundation + floor arrangement options
Pros, cons and conditions of use There are several options for constructing foundations, but the most common is for
Scheme of concrete blind area
Making a blind area of ​​paving stones around the house with your own hands
To construct a blind area around a house with your own hands, concrete, asphalt, paving slabs,
How to find an aquifer for drilling a water well with your own hands
Here you will learn: Classification of groundwater Where groundwater accumulates The influence of depth on
D. Support units for floors, coverings, lintels
In the construction of buildings made of brick, a constructive solution is considered to be the use of floors that provide load-bearing and
Step-by-step instructions for making a self-leveling floor yourself
Types of self-leveling floors Self-leveling floors are classified according to the materials on which they are made, according to
How to make a strip foundation for a house correctly
Needless to say that the foundation is the basis of the entire building? Probably everyone
Economical strip foundation for light buildings
What to hope for? Some say that there is no point in thinking about building your own home if
USHP design of insulated Swedish plate
How does a Swedish slab foundation work and what are its advantages?
In the article we will analyze the design of the USHP insulated Swedish stove. Construction stages and main points
waterproofing strip foundation
Vertical waterproofing: do it yourself
What is a strip foundation? Photo of the strip foundation device The strip foundation device is quite complex,
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