Do-it-yourself wicker fence: we make it from boards and branches with step-by-step instructions
A standard wooden fence is most often just a protective structure and is not decorative. If
slab foundation structure
Making a concrete slab with your own hands
The structure of a monolithic slab for the foundation The simple design of a slab foundation allows without the involvement of highly qualified specialists
drainage of water from the base
Recommendations from builders on what crushed stone is needed to build a blind area of ​​a house
Every home owner wants his home to last as long as possible and not need
How to insulate the foundation and basement of a house yourself with penoplex
Thermal protection device for the base is a necessary stage in the construction of any residential or industrial facility
Tying reinforcement for the foundation by welding
What is and how to use a rebar hook?
Construction activities are inextricably linked with the implementation of reinforcement works. Foundations and floors reinforced with reinforcement cage
How to prepare concrete solution
Concrete proportions - ratio of mixture components, main characteristics and parameters
Concrete is an important component of almost any job. The concreting stage is expected at the site under construction.
Pouring a pile foundation with your own hands
There are often situations where construction conditions do not satisfy at least the minimum requirements of the standards. More often
Part of the strip foundation when building a house
Speed ​​of construction of a monolithic house floors per month
“My home is my fortress,” says one popular wisdom, and for good reason, since
DIY bored foundation
Types of strip foundation When building cottages on stilts, the base of the foundation strip relative to the ground level
Table of the ratio of door sizes and openings
Standard dimensions of door frames in width, height and thickness
Correct installation of an interior door is only possible if its geometric parameters correspond
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