How to properly install gates for a fence in a country house?
The calculation of corrugated sheets is valid from 30 linear meters. Less than 30 l.m. check with our managers (by
Technology for building a house from foam blocks with your own hands (photos and videos)
In low-rise private construction, there is a tendency for a rational approach to the construction of cottages, dachas or country houses.
The thickness of aerated concrete walls - the best options
Sound insulation Airborne noise is propagated by sound waves, which, when encountering the enclosing structure (for example, walls or ceilings),
Do-it-yourself clay bricks: Significant construction savings
If necessary, brick production is carried out at home on your own. Having understood the stages of production,
Single brick 65mm
Well masonry in a modern interpretation
Home Building a house In this article we tried to highlight the main points that you need to know
picture of sealing tape
Insulating windows for the winter with your own hands, how and with what to insulate windows
Sealing window openings from the outside It is often necessary to seal the seam on the outside of the window, since this area is larger
Brick wall finishing options: materials, methods and designs
What types of decorative bricks exist? This finishing material is classified primarily according to the material used
A variety of siding fittings.
Correct installation of siding on a wooden house. Decorating the outside of the house with your own hands step by step
A wooden house has long been considered a symbol of good quality and high aesthetic taste. However, over time,
How thick should load-bearing walls be installed in a house so as not to break the law?
The construction of brick houses has been successfully practiced for several centuries. The material remains one of the most
finishing the doorway with brick tiles
DIY repairs. Decorating doors with decorative stone
Features of decorative stone The main advantage of finishing stone is its versatility. It can be used
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