Floor scraping: the best way to give the floor its original appearance

The cost of a high-quality wooden floor or parquet is quite high, and when after a few years the boards begin to fade and wear out, there is a desire to update them.

It is quite expensive to completely re-cover the flooring, and the procedure for laying the boards takes a lot of time. In this case, manual or mechanical scraping of the wooden floor is carried out - a quick and economical way to return the floor covering to its original appearance .

During the scraping process, a layer is scraped off a wooden surface, the thickness of which does not exceed tenths of a millimeter . The treatment allows you to clean and return the original color to the parquet or floorboards and renew the appearance.

Scraping a floor: what is it, some recommendations from experts

Despite the large number of floor coverings that imitate wood well, the natural material still does not lose its relevance, and even, on the contrary, is becoming increasingly popular. Parquet has always been a sign of good taste and high status of the owner. In addition, this material lasts the longest. In some old houses you can see parquet that was laid more than 50-60 years ago.

Sanding an old wooden floor is not a difficult or costly task.

Helpful information! Natural wood, despite all the warmth and comfort that it emits, will lose its attractive appearance over time without proper care. It is for this reason that floors need to be sanded periodically.

Carrying out scraping of an old floor is not considered a difficult or too expensive undertaking. This treatment is very effective; it prolongs the life of the material. That is why experts recommend carrying it out so that the surfaces look neat. In fact, the procedure is an excellent alternative to varnishing, sanding or polishing boards.

Sanding a floorboard involves removing the small top layer from the surface of the coating using a special device - a sanding machine. The instrument is equipped with sharp, sharpened metal knives that remove the top layer of varnish and a thin layer of the wood itself. Basic tips that allow you to efficiently and quickly sand a plank floor:

The scraping procedure is considered an excellent alternative to grinding, varnishing or polishing

  1. In case of significant damage and severe unevenness, it is more efficient to perform the work using a drum machine, which carefully removes a thin layer of varnish without affecting the deeper layers of the coating.
  2. If there is bitumen leakage in the cracks between the joists, the sanding paper will quickly become clogged, so it will have to be changed more often.
  3. The process also varies depending on the type of wood used to make the flooring. Thus, scraping a floor made of pine boards, in contrast to oak flooring, will be much easier to carry out due to the fact that the wood is softer and more pliable, but not as stable as oak.
  4. Before carrying out work, the floor should be completely dry, because even a slightly damp surface can become deformed. It is also necessary to dry the entire room.

When is wood floor sanding required?

After processing, the parquet is brought to almost ideal condition and primary density. In this case, there is absolutely no need to purchase expensive tools. It is enough to rent them as needed, especially since there is no need to carry out work frequently. The main reasons for requiring floor scraping include:

  • the appearance of minor mechanical damage to the floor;
  • the need to replace some boards or parquet elements;
  • the presence of stains that cannot be removed using standard methods;
  • partial abrasion of the surface;
  • desire to cover the varnish or paint coating.

Sanding a wooden floor is necessary in case of mechanical damage.

Not in all cases this work should be carried out. There are situations in which there is no point in sanding a parquet floor:

  • the presence of large potholes and cracks, the depth of which is half the thickness of the board;
  • severe drying of boards;
  • swelling of some parts and the appearance of large distances between boards;
  • severe surface wear;
  • penetration of wood-boring beetles into the parquet, damaging the internal structure.

There is also no point in carrying out work to restore the surface if the parquet is not used correctly, for example, when there is constantly high humidity in the room, which is why the floor often gets wet. If the beginning of the rotting process is observed, then the damaged boards should be immediately removed, and the rest should be covered with special antifungal solutions. Additionally, measures must be taken to dry the material.

How to identify damage that makes it useless to sand parquet floors

Before planning work, the first step is to conduct a thorough inspection of the surface. As a rule, defects in the form of cracking and chipping are visible to the naked eye, and it is also easy to determine the size of the cracks at which sanding will be ineffective.

Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly inspect the surface for the presence of wood-boring beetles.

Helpful advice! The appearance of a wood-boring beetle that destroys a tree can be detected by the presence of small holes in the boards, around which wood dust is observed. In this case, you will need to completely remove the damaged coating.

Excessive surface moisture is determined by using a piece of polyethylene that is laid on the floor and pressed against the edges. For greater reliability, it is better to glue the film with tape. If moisture forms under the polyethylene and the temperature in the room remains constant, this indicates poor quality of waterproofing. In this case, scraping and patching the floors will not be necessary, because first you need to dismantle the joists and dry the base. Then the waterproofing is redone and a new coating is laid.

If you suspect the appearance of mold and rotting of the boards, you will need to use an awl, with which you make punctures in the corner of the planks, while maintaining a 45-degree slope. The action is performed in order to reach the end of the board with the tip of the needle. If the parquet is oak, the tip of the awl should not penetrate more than 5 mm; in the flooring of birch, walnut, pine or ash - no deeper than 7 mm. Situations where the tip of the needle penetrates deeper indicate damage to the material by rot or the appearance of mold, which cannot be removed using a scraping machine.

Floor sanding is carried out only after complete repair of wooden surfaces

Sometimes, if the condition of the floor is poor, instead of scraping, the option of laying ceramic tiles on top is chosen. It should also be taken into account that in case of severe damage, additional coating will not solve the problem. Because you can lay tiles on a wooden floor only if the coating is in good condition and treated with anti-fungal and pest control agents. If the above defects are present, this should not be done.

Floor scraping: types of tools that are used during work

You can scrape a wooden floor with your own hands mechanically or using a machine. The use of a scraping machine will significantly speed up and facilitate the process, but will cost several times more, even if you do not purchase a tool, but rent it.

If you don’t want to bother with buying expensive equipment, you can scrape the floor yourself using a manual scraper. It should be borne in mind that working with this tool is quite difficult. Firstly, your hands will soon begin to hurt from constant tension. Secondly, you will have to do the work in an uncomfortable position, from which your back will primarily suffer. If such difficulties do not frighten you, then it is quite possible to manually process the entire surface, including hard-to-reach places.

If it is not possible to buy expensive equipment, floor scraping can be done using a manual scraper

Helpful information! You can only scrape the floor without dust if you use a manual scraper, but the disadvantage of such work is the removal of a large layer from the floor covering.

Instead of manual sanding, some people use sandpaper to process parquet, which is attached to the sole of the shoe, as a result of which it will be possible to relieve stress from the arms and back. However, when cleaning the floor with your feet, it is difficult to constantly control the level of pressure, so some areas are cleaned more, and some less. It is for this reason that most owners prefer to use scraping machines to perform such work.

The main types of machines used for sanding painted wooden floors

Parquet processing is carried out in several stages, where a specific technique is used for each task. A parquet sanding machine with a drum is primarily designed to remove a layer of old varnish and perform rough and deep sanding of the floor covering. The tool is used when working with any type of wood.

Processing a wooden floor is carried out in several stages, for each of which a specific technique is used.

When using a machine, you need to be careful, because the base can easily be damaged by the heads of screws or other fasteners protruding from the surface of the parquet. Before sanding a painted wooden floor, you also need to consider the cost of renting a car, which averages 500-1000 rubles per day. Other types of tools used for coating processing:

  1. Surface grinder. It is used for finishing sanding of floor boards before painting, and is also suitable for intermediate sanding between coats of varnish. It is distinguished by careful processing, and the rental price is similar to the previous option.
  2. Angle grinder. The main purpose is to finish corners and other hard-to-reach places under batteries and other communications. In this case, the rental price of the instrument varies from 300 to 1000 rubles per day.
  3. Industrial type dust collector. When sanding floors, dust is generated in any case, and its amount depends on the type of tool used and the nature of the work. To remove dust from the floor, it is recommended to use an industrial vacuum cleaner, the rental of which will cost 400-900 rubles.

The angle grinder is designed for finishing hard-to-reach places

All types of scraping machines are expensive equipment that not only has a high price, but also requires constant maintenance. If you want to sand wooden floors cheaply, renting and doing it yourself are considered the best option. If you are not confident in your abilities, in order to avoid problems and damage to the material, it is better to immediately seek help from professionals.

Other materials that will be required for sanding wooden floorboards

Before you start processing, in addition to purchasing the main tool, you need to take care of purchasing other items and materials, as well as placing them in the area of ​​​​the work being carried out, so as not to be distracted by unnecessary searches during the process. When calculating the final cost of sanding a wooden floor, you must first take into account the price of sandpaper.

To determine how much material is needed, you should take into account that one linear meter of sandpaper is enough to process 10 m², but depending on the type of wood, the amount may vary. For work you need to purchase paper of various grain sizes:

  • No. 40 – suitable for primary peeling;
  • 60 and 80 – intended for fine grinding;
  • 100-120 – removes lint that has risen after varnishing.

To process 10 m² of floor, one linear meter of sandpaper is enough

Other materials that will be needed for sanding and painting floors:

  1. Discs for surface grinders. Depending on the type of flooring, up to 3 pieces are consumed. per 20 m² of floor.
  2. Putty mixture. Selected based on the shade of the wood, it is used for processing cracks. Many people make their own composition from sanding dust and wood glue, and in the end they will be able to get the perfect color.
  3. Rubber spatula used to apply putty.
  4. Parquet varnish and roller.

If you don’t want to order scraping and patination of a wooden floor from specialized companies and you decide to carry out all the work yourself, you should additionally buy protective equipment. Even though most sanders are equipped with dust collectors, dust will inevitably rise. For this reason, it is necessary to take measures to protect the respiratory system and eyes. To do this, purchase several respirators and safety glasses; it is better to tie a scarf on your head.

Related article:

Sanding a wooden floor: technology for obtaining an even and smooth base

Features of manual and machine methods. Types of grinders. Stages of floor treatment technology.

Working with a sanding machine is accompanied by significant noise, which has a negative impact on the hearing organs, therefore it is recommended to carry out processing in special headphones that reduce the noise level. When sanding an old wooden floor, you need to wear thick, long-sleeved clothing that is fastened with a zipper or buttons all the way to the top. During operation, microparticles are formed in the ambient air (from the varnish coating and the surface of old wood), which can cause irritation and allergies to the skin.

In addition to sandpaper, you will need a putty mixture, a rubber spatula, varnish and a roller

All textiles and upholstered furniture must first be removed from the room. It is better to remove the cabinets, and if this is not possible, then they should be covered with thick plastic film, securing the edges with tape. Before you start work, you need to check the condition of the electrical wiring, because all working equipment has high power - up to 2.8 kW.

Helpful advice! Before starting work, it is recommended to at least approximately calculate the cost of scraping a painted wooden floor and make sure that it will not turn out the same as when laying new material. In some cases, the coating is in such poor condition that restoring it will cost no less than purchasing parquet.

Caring for parquet after sanding

Proper care is the key to a long service life.

Simple rules:

  • maintaining an optimal humidity level (installing an aquarium or an automatic humidifier);
  • eliminating exposure to fine abrasives, for example, sand from the street (a mat in front of the entrance for cleaning shoes);
  • UV protection (on window blinds or curtains);
  • sticking felt plugs on the legs of chairs and furniture;
  • Cleaning is only wet and only by hand.

What determines the price of sanding a painted wooden floor?

The main criteria that influence the cost of work (scraping a wooden floor) are the area of ​​the floor covering and the particular shape of the room. Sometimes it is much easier to carry out processing in a spacious room of regular shape than in a small room with a large number of niches, bay windows or other irregularities.

The area and shape of the room are the main criteria affecting the cost of work

Most often, the final price for scraping a wooden floor is announced after a visual inspection of the area. The cost also depends on the initial condition of the coating: the more surface defects, the more types of processing and effort will be required. Therefore, the price formation will be influenced by the amount of work required to restore the appearance of the floor.

It should also be taken into account that the material side of the issue also depends on the type of wood from which the floor is made. Thus, scraping an inexpensive pine floor will cost a little less, since, for example, oak or beech require a more careful attitude and a special approach. As a rule, it takes a little longer and with more care to treat floors made of expensive materials.

Helpful advice! Finding out how much it costs to scrape a wooden floor should be done individually in each specific case, because this figure varies taking into account many criteria. Even in the same apartment, but in different rooms, depending on a combination of factors, there will be different costs of work per 1 m².

The cost of work is also affected by the type of wood flooring

If we consider average indicators, the price of scraping a wooden floor per m² in rubles looks like this:

  • parquet – 150-350;
  • plywood – 60-150;
  • parquet board – 130-350;
  • solid board – 350-550;
  • varnish coating – 80-120;
  • putty of cracks – 50-100.

What is the technological process of scraping a painted floor?

Regardless of where the scraping will be performed (in a private house or apartment), it is better to carry out preparatory work first. First of all, if possible, completely empty the room of furniture and other objects, including baseboards and door panels. It is recommended to cover the doorway with thick fabric or a piece of polyethylene to prevent the spread of dust throughout the rest of the home.

Then you need to inspect the coating for cracks and other flaws, which are recommended to be removed at this stage. Treatment of a painted floor begins with removing old paint from the surface, for which a solvent or mineral alcohol is used. Other recommendations:

Rough processing of a wooden floor is performed twice, in opposite directions.

  1. During work, the window should be kept open so that foreign odors and dust are quickly released outside.
  2. It is necessary to first wash the floor well with warm water without using detergents, and then let it dry for at least 24 hours.
  3. Boards that are too damaged or moldy must be replaced with new ones.
  4. Be sure to check the floor for nail heads or screws.

At the end of the preparatory stage, the base is re-inspected in good lighting to make sure that there are no dirt, protrusions or protruding boards on the surface. After this, you can begin removing the old coating.

First, rough scraping is carried out using a special tool with a correctly selected nozzle. At this stage, not only the old paint or varnish is removed, but also a thin layer of wood with mechanical damage is removed. When doing this, you should not rush, the work should proceed slowly, the machine should be moved in the direction of the length of the boards. Material with a wavy structure is looped only diagonally. In this case, it is better to perform rough processing twice, and in opposite directions.

Floor sanding is carried out in three stages using sandpaper of various grains.

Helpful advice! Depending on the type of coating, the work is carried out differently: artistic parquet is sanded in a circular motion into the spiral. Often, decorative parquet parts are made from fine-grained valuable wood, which will have to be processed manually using an angle grinder, repeating the pattern.

When finishing surfaces with a scraping machine near a wall, you will need to slightly lift the device on one side and rotate it around its axis, after which the process continues in the opposite direction. Work is carried out until all defects are removed from the surface. It is important to note that for sanding pine floors, a medium-hard nozzle is more suitable, because soft wood is processed easily and quickly.

The next step is to sand the board, which is done in three steps using sandpaper of various sizes. Thanks to the gradual use of sandpaper, it is possible to achieve maximum smoothness of the boards and restore the original color and shine. The most effort and time should be spent on this type of work in order to ultimately obtain high-quality scraping.

Companies professionally engaged in the processing of wooden floors carry out the technological process in full

Tools and materials

Floor scraping will require thorough instrumental preparation. Necessary tools and equipment:

  1. a scraper or surface grinder (you can rent one);
  2. hand scraper for cleaning baseboards or hard-to-reach areas;
  3. scraper or electric hair dryer;
  4. sandpaper of several grain sizes;
  5. powerful vacuum cleaner;
  6. brush with hard (metal) bristles;
  7. brushes and rollers;
  8. special putty for wooden floors;
  9. scissors, screwdriver or hammer;
  10. personal protective equipment.

When choosing a sanding machine, pay attention to the degree of stripping. Deep cleaning is not necessary, especially for parquet.

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