
The sale and rental of special equipment constitutes an important segment of the international and domestic economy. Construction holdings, industrial enterprises and contracting organizations are often interested in new products of full-function excavators, tractors, dump trucks, graders, etc. Analysis of the number of rentals and sales of construction equipment is complicated by the confidentiality of financial information, which in most organizations is a commercial secret. But marketing experts still have a clear idea of ​​the state of the special equipment market in Russia and abroad. International situation - financial trade-off between stagnation and growth

The market for sales and rental of special equipment at the international level is not stable. Marketers identify regions with a decline in sales and purchases. For example, the international research company Freedonia Group has identified a decrease in demand for construction and industrial vehicles in almost all US states. In the American economy, sales of mining trucks and excavators, pipe layers, front loaders, and drilling equipment have decreased.

This is explained by the conservation of many mineral deposits in the United States and the transfer of certain branches of the mining industry to the countries of Latin America and the Middle East. The decline in sales contributes to the growth of rental of special equipment. According to analysts, by 2024 even large American construction and oil producing companies will use this service, including ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConnocoPhilips, URS Corporation, KBR, etc. A somewhat different situation has developed in the European market. Manufacturers of construction machines in the UK, France, and Germany prefer to focus their production on exports, while simultaneously reducing their domestic market. In particular, the British company JCB, which specializes in the production of heavy construction equipment, has concentrated its activities in Namibia, South Africa and other African countries rich in gold and diamonds.

The hardest situation is for the countries of southern and eastern Europe, which are experiencing significant economic difficulties. Thus, between 2010 and 2014, exports of Italian tower cranes and dump trucks fell by almost half, and sales within the European Union fell by 80%.

Imports of trucks and tractors to Greece, Poland, and Croatia fell by 90%. At the same time, the place of exporters has been taken by leasing companies, which are ready to purchase various special equipment in large quantities (at the direction of the lessee), and then rent it out at affordable prices.

Chinese manufacturers of construction and agricultural machinery are experiencing a period of prosperity. Equipment from the Middle Kingdom is cheaper than its European and American counterparts. Dealer centers of SHAANXI, Foton, Shachman, SDLG and others have flooded the market for construction, industrial and agricultural machinery all over the world. Renting special equipment from China is available at a low price. This is used by small American, European and Middle Eastern companies, i.e. representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

The market for special equipment in Russia: reaction to the behavior of the largest players

The sale (rental) of construction and agricultural machinery in Russia, in addition to seasonal characteristics, is experiencing the dynamics of supply and demand due to strong competition between intermediary firms. Experts highlight the following features of the Russian segment of sales and rental of special equipment: reduction of dealer companies in specific regions based on the principle of survival of the fittest. Thus, several dozen dealers work in the Urals - representatives of Russian, Belarusian and foreign engineering giants. Leading positions are traditionally occupied by dealership companies from KAMAZ, MTZ (Minsk Tractor Plant), Toyota, Komatsu, etc. Manufacturing companies independently determine the right to obtain a dealer license. It is provided to those intermediaries who are able to constantly sell and rent out cars at competitive prices; preferential orientation of the Russian market of special equipment towards rental relations. There are many contracting organizations that prefer to rent trucks, land carriers, tractors and other equipment rather than buy it in cash or on credit terms. Thus, small firms seek to protect themselves from financial risks. Larger organizations have their own fleet of trucks and other equipment. For example, special equipment is available on the website https://pkpotenzial.ru . There are a large number of individual entrepreneurs who, as a rule, own 1-2 units of special equipment, while simultaneously combining the responsibilities of its lessor and driver.

Foreign companies occupy a significant place in the market of special equipment in Russia, supplying a large number of trucks, loaders, snow removal and road machines for industry, agriculture and municipal needs. But domestic manufacturers are also ready to offer vehicles and other special equipment on acceptable terms. The sale of industrial and construction machines is usually carried out by reliable companies, which provide the opportunity to buy or rent special equipment at prices affordable for business.

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