Rolled metal is used in many industries these days, be it the production of small parts or the construction of large facilities such as stadiums or factories. In such conditions, high demands are placed on the quality of rolled metal products, and given the diversity of the product range, the right choice seems to be a difficult task. First of all, you need to contact a reputable company - for example Hardhub , select rolled metal at

What indicates the reliability of a company? You should pay attention to its reputation, variety of assortment, as well as prices. Do not equate high price with high quality. There is no need to go to the opposite extreme, giving preference to a company with low prices. The supplier will not sell at a loss, and if he offers rolled metal at reduced prices, it means that he will certainly “get his” - for example, by deceiving the buyer on the weight. This is more difficult to do if the buyer has scales at the time of acceptance, but this is not always the case.

The supplier is required to submit a certificate indicating all the mechanical properties of rolled metal: yield strength and strength, relative contraction, elongation and contraction, hardness and impact strength. If at least one of these indicators is not in the certificate, it means that this is not a completely bona fide supplier, and you should not deal with it.

What should alert the buyer are fresh traces of welding. This means that the supplier sells old products under the guise of new ones. Low quality is indicated by the presence of cracks, damage, corrosion, as well as unusual packaging. The non-standard size of the products also indicates that they were produced in a handicraft way, therefore, one cannot count on their high quality.

Much depends on the manufacturer. At some enterprises, planned repairs of mills have not been carried out for a long time. In this case, the weight of a linear meter may exceed that provided for by GOST by 10%, or even 15%. In other words, if a buyer orders 100 m of corner No. 50, then according to GOST it should be 377 kg, but in reality it could be 410 kg. In this case, the client must indicate to the supplier that he needs exactly 100 m, otherwise the purchased rolled metal will not be enough, he will have to purchase it additionally and spend money on delivery again.

If you approach the choice of rolled metal with skill, it will serve for many years without any problems.

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